Google Review - Salt Lake City, UT - FixMyClaim
FixMyClaim BBB Business Review

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(269) 529-0884

The FixMyClaim Story

FixMyClaim, formerly Denials Management Inc. and Claims Management, Inc., was founded in 1990 by Mary C. Covington, a former insurance company employee turned patient advocate. Mary’s experience working with insurance companies and helping patients obtain coverage for life-altering injuries inspired her to start Denials Management to help individuals navigate the complex world of healthcare insurance. Over the years, the company has expanded its services to include policy reviews, medical billing assistance, claims management, administrative appeals support, and consultation services for providers and patients.

Our Insurance Knowledge & Expertise Sets Us Apart

What sets FixMyClaim apart is the expertise and knowledge of its staff. The company’s service experts are divided into teams, with the Appeals Team consisting of writers from different backgrounds, including journalists, copywriters, and grant writers. The Utilization Review Team is made up of clinicians with different types of licensure, and the company also has Clinic Social Workers and certified mental health counselors. This diversity of specialties allows FixMyClaim to assist many people in different situations.

In addition to its expertise, FixMyClaim has won the Best in Salt Lake Award twice and is a member of the National Association of Women Business Owners and Alliance of Professional Health Advocates. The company also supports several charitable organizations, including the Out of Darkness Suicide Walk, Make-a-Wish Foundation, and the Ronald McDonald House, where the team donates their time to assist families with their insurance questions.

FixMyClaim focuses on giving back and helping the community as it helps its clients navigate the often frustrating world of healthcare insurance. The company’s proven track record of success and commitment to making a difference makes FixMyClaim the leading health insurance and medical billing advocate option for those in need.

We’re here to help and look forward to hearing from you. Call us today at 866-322-0787.

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