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Healthcare Provider Revenue Support Services

Supporting Revenue Life Cycle Management with Back End Audits

FixMyClaim’s healthcare claims denial appeal services can help you streamline your appeals process, reduce the number of denied claims, and improve your revenue cycle management.

  • At FixMyClaim, we understand that a denied claim can significantly impact a healthcare provider’s revenue life cycle management. That’s why we offer a comprehensive back-end audit that can help identify the root cause of claims denials and prevent future denials from occurring. Our team of experienced professionals will work with providers to analyze their current appeals process, identify areas of improvement, and develop new strategies for navigating the appeals process. This back-end audit can help providers streamline their appeals process, reduce the number of denied claims, and ultimately improve their revenue cycle management. By working with us, healthcare providers can ensure they receive the maximum reimbursement for their services and provide the best possible care to their patients. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you optimize your revenue life cycle management.

How FixMyClaim Patient Referral Process Works

We offer a completely free referral service for healthcare providers. When you refer your patients to us, we work with them to navigate the insurance review process and address any denied claims.

  • As a healthcare provider, you know how frustrating it can be to deal with denied claims. Not only does it impact your bottom line, but it can also be stressful for your patients. That’s where FixMyClaim comes in. Our free referral service can help your patients navigate the complex world of healthcare insurance and get the coverage they deserve.

    When you refer your patients to us, we work with them to navigate the insurance review process and address any denied claims. Our team of experienced professionals will gather all necessary information and documentation, file appeals on their behalf, and even represent them in hearings if required. We understand that healthcare insurance can be overwhelming, which is why we take care of everything, so you and your patients can focus on what matters – their health.

    In addition, we go the extra mile to align with the most suitable services that can cater to your patients’ unique financial situations. You can trust us to provide competitively priced packages that offer a range of options for your patients, ensuring they get the help they need while staying within their budget.

    By referring your patients to FixMyClaim, you can rest assured that they receive the support they need to get the coverage they deserve. This can help improve their overall health outcomes and reduce their stress levels, improving their satisfaction with your practice.

    In short, referring your patients to FixMyClaim is a win-win situation. Your patients get the support they need to navigate the complex world of healthcare insurance, and you can focus on providing the best possible care. Contact us today to learn more about our referral service and how we can help your patients navigate the healthcare insurance landscape.

Pre-Authorization & Utilization Management Services

Our pre-authorization and utilization review services are conducted by a team of licensed clinicians who are experts in policy requirements, medical necessity denials, and effective communication with Insurance Care Managers.

  • Our pre-authorization and utilization review services are conducted by a team of licensed clinicians who are experts in policy requirements, medical necessity denials, and effective communication with Insurance Care Managers. Our clinicians work closely with mental health and substance abuse facility teams to ensure their success during the utilization review process.

    The utilization review process can be complex, so we provide comprehensive training to facility clinicians. Our team covers medical necessity denials, the differing medical necessity criteria for multiple levels of care, the intricacies of the utilization review processes, and how to create adequate clinical documentation. With this training, facility clinicians are well-prepared to navigate the utilization review process and provide the necessary documentation to support medical necessity.

    By working with FixMyClaim, mental health and substance abuse facilities can be confident that their utilization review process is handled by a team of experienced clinicians who will work tirelessly to ensure their success. Contact us today to learn more about our pre-authorization and utilization review services.

Don't let insurance companies deny your claims. Contact FixMyClaim today at 866-322-0787, and let us fight for you!

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